Cllr CI Black BSc MICS, Liberal Democrat Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr MR Carter, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr TG Cutmore, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr Mrs H L A Glynn | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr K J Gordon | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr JD Griffin, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr J Hayter | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr BT Hazlewood, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr NJ Hookway, Rochford District Residents Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr M Hoy Non-Aligned Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr Mrs D Hoy, Green Group (Passed away on 11 September) | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr K H Hudson, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr GJ Ioannou | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr J L Lawmon, Rochford District Independent Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr Mrs G A Lucas-Gill | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr Mrs JR Lumley Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr Mrs J E McPherson, Non-Aligned Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr RA Oatham, Liberal Democrat Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr Mrs CE Roe, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr C G Seagers | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr SP Smith, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr Mrs M H Spencer | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr DJ Sperring, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr MJ Steptoe, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr IH Ward, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr MJ Webb, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr Mrs CA Weston, Conservative Group | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |
Cllr Mrs B J Wilkins | 6 | Non pecuniary interest by virtue of the applicant being an officer of the Council | Non-Pecuniary | Registered |