2005 - 2006


Animal Welfare Charter Sub-Committee

To consider, at a single meeting, amendments to improve the Council’s Animal Welfare Charter, and to report back to the Community Overview & Scrutiny Committee with recommendations.

Appeals Committee

To exercise the Council's functions in relation to appeals & licensing, including Council Tax, housing benefits, staff employment, taxi voucher scheme, hackney carriage, Council Tax benefits, tree preservation orders, homelessness, public entertainment and trading controls. To formulate and implement the policy framework of the budget in respect of these functions.

Community Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Considers, in accordance with the Overview & Scrutiny Procedures rules, all Council services relating to recreation, leisure, culture, tourism, public health, housing, community safety and emergency planning.

Community Services Committee

Exercises the Council's functions in relation to recreation, culture, housing, leisure, public protection, emergency planning, tourism and community safety.


Responsible for all functions of the authority, including all matters specifically reserved to Council by regulation and statute. It approves and keeps under review the Constitution of the Council, appoints, and where necessary, dismisses the Leader/Spokesperson of the Council, approves procedures for and the appointment of the Committees and such other bodies as the Council may decide. It appoints Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees and determines their membership. It makes appointments to outside organisations. It adopts statutory and major non-statutory policies, including best value performance plan; community care plan; community strategy; crime & disorder reduction strategy; Development Plan; Corporate Plan; Food Law Enforcement Service Plan; Housing Investment Programme; Local Agenda 21 Strategy; IS/ICT Strategy; Asset Management Plan; Leisure Strategy; Licensing Policy Statement. It approves the Members' allowances scheme and the Council's budget and Council Tax for the District. It provides an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions or make statements about any aspects of Council policy. It receives reports from its Committees and officers. It promotes and opposes Bills and Orders in Parliament. It carries out any other functions required by Statute to be discharged by the Council. It makes and revokes Byelaws. It deals with matters relating to elections. It determines any decision of a Policy Committee, not yet implemented, referred to it by an Overview & Scrutiny Committee. It considers proposals to establish, dissolve or group Parish Councils and fixes the number of Parish Councillors. It authorises applications to the Secretary of State for the transfer of housnig land or stock owned by the Council and discusses Notices of Motion submitted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.

Emergency Planning Sub-Committee

Convenes at the request of the Chief Executive or Leader of the Council at short notice when a major incident or catastrophe has been declared, with delegated authority to deal with matters requiring the urgent commitment of significant human, financial and/or other resources and any related issues due to the profound nature of the incident.

Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Considers, in accordance with the Overview & Scrutiny Procedures rules, all Council services relating to highways transportation, planning policy, building control, recycling, waste collection and disposal, the Environment, regeneration economic development and health & safety.

Environmental Services Committee

Exercises the Council's functions in relation to highways and transport, building control, waste collection and disposal, planning policy, economic development, Environment, regeneration, health & safety and recycling.

Finance & Procedures Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Considers, in accordance with the Overview & Scrutiny Procedures rules, the Council's budget, management of budget, capital & revenue borrowing, assets and audit arrangements, policies and strategies of the Council and other bodies that affect the economic, social and political resources available, including best value, community plan, corporate plan, local democracy and achievement of objective, transparent and accountable decision-making by the Council.

Gypsy/Traveller Sub-Committee

Undertakes a review of the policy framework and service response in respect of gypsies and other travellers and will report back to the Community Overview & Scrutiny Committee.

Heritage Sub-Committee

To co-ordinate events and celebrations on St George's Day, VE Day, VJ Day, Battle of Britain Day and Trafalgar Day for the Municipal Year.

Housing Best Value Sub-Committee

To conduct consultations with residents in the locality of the proposed development at Tylney Avenue and to report back. To investigate planning for the needs of men fleeing domestic violence and social inclusion policy development and to report conclusions.

Licensing Committee

To exercise the Council's functions under the Licensing Act 2003 including the formulation and implementation of the policy framework and management of the budget in respect of these functions.

Local Plan Sub-Committee

To examine in detail the changes to the Local Plan recommended by the Local Plan Inquiry Inspector and to report back to the Environmental Services Committee in January 2006.

Parish Liaison Sub-Committee

Considers areas identified by Parishes to be of particular concern, in order to enable clarity of service delivery and recommends to the parent Committee accordingly.

Planning Committee Review Sub-Committee

To continue the in-depth review of the operation of the Planning Services Committee

Planning Services Committee

Exercises the Council's functions in relation to town & country planning regulation, dangerous, neglected or derelict premises and building control.

Playspace Sub-Committee

Recommends policy, in partnership with the Town/Parish Councils, in respect of public playspaces and reports back to the parent Committee with recommendations.

Policy & Finance Committee

Exercises the Council's functions in relation to all matters not otherwise reserved to Full Council or the responsibility of another Committee with particular reference to finance, Council Budget and Support Services, including the formulation and implementation of the policy framework and management of the budget in respect of these functions.

Sheltered Housing Sub-Committee

To conduct a review of the Council's sheltered housing schemes and transitional with the aim of concluding this matter by the end of January 2006.

St George's Day Sub-Committee

To consider feedback on the 2005 celebrations and to consider and report on possible activities for celebrating St George's Day in 2006.

Standards Committee

Promotes and maintains high standards of conduct with the Council and exercises the Council's functions in relation to Standards of Conduct of Members, Codes of Conduct for Officers and Members.

Taxi Licensing Sub-Committee

Considers and reports on tariff charges and licensing fees and charges associated with the taxi trade.

Tourism Study Sub-Committee

To recommend short-term tourism projects that could go forward as part of the 2006/07 budgetary process and to highlight areas of work associated with the tourism study that could be considered in the longer term.

Waste Management & Recycling Sub-Committee

To consider issues relating to the Essex Joint Procurement Process for long term waste management solutions and also to focus on issues relating to the further implementation and development of the Council's own kerbside recycling scheme.

Windmill Sub-Committee

To oversee the restoration and refurbishment of the Rayleigh Windmill and the development of a sensory garden in the adjoining area and to develop proposals for the long term management of the Windmill.