Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
27 Apr 2006 - 19:30
  • Documents


  1. pdf Agenda: Council: 270406 (72Kb)
  2. pdf Minutes: Council: 270406 (81Kb)
  3. pdf Item 10 Report: Adoption of the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan - Council: 270406 (46Kb)
  4. pdf Item 11 Appendix B to Report: Revision of the Statement of Licensing Policy - Council: 270406 (352Kb)
  5. pdf Item 11 Report plus Appendix A to Report: Review of Statement of Licensing Policy - Council: 270406 (88Kb)
  6. pdf Item 11 Report: Review of Statement of Licensing Policy - Council: 270406 (88Kb)
  7. pdf Item 7 Report: Committee Meetings held between 24 February 2006 & 27 April 2006 - Council: 270406 (18Kb)
  8. pdf Item 7(13) Appendix A to Report: Cycle of Meetings 2006/07 - Council: 270406 (31Kb)
  9. pdf Item 7(13) Report: Report of the Policy & Finance Committee - 6 April 2006 - Council: 270406 (20Kb)
  10. pdf Item 7(15) Report: Report of the Standards Committee - 18 April 2006 - Council: 270406 (26Kb)
  11. pdf Item 7(16) Report: Report of the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - 19 April 2006 - Council: 270406 (28Kb)
  12. pdf Item 7(4) Report plus Appendix A to Report: Report of the Policy & Finance Committee - 9 March 2006 - Council: 270406 (39Kb)
  13. pdf Item 7(4) Report: Draft Constitution - PART 1 - Council: 270406 (42Kb)
  14. pdf Item 7(4) Report: Draft Constitution - PART 2 - Council: 270406 (204Kb)
  15. pdf Item 7(4) Report: Draft Constitution - PART 3 - Council: 270406 (128Kb)
  16. pdf Item 7(4) Report: Draft Constitution - PART 4 - Council: 270406 (689Kb)
  17. pdf Item 7(4) Report: Draft Constitution - PART 5 - Council: 270406 (198Kb)
  18. pdf Item 7(4) Report: Draft Constitution - PART 6 - Council: 270406 (38Kb)
  19. pdf Item 7(4) Report: Draft Constitution - PART 7 - Council: 270406 (20Kb)
  20. pdf Item 9 Appendix to Report: Draft Corporate Plan 2006/07 - Council 270406 (58Kb)
  21. pdf Item 9 Report: Draft Corporate Plan 2006/07 - Council: 270406 (38Kb)

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
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