Meeting Details

Full Council
18 Jul 2017 - 19:30
  • Documents

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Cllr JC Burton 8(3)Non-pecuniary interest by virtue of membership of the Rayleigh Town Council Crown Hill public toilets working group.Non-PecuniaryRegistered
Cllr RR Dray, Conservative Group8(3)Non-pecuniary interest by virtue of membership of the Rayleigh Town Council Crown Hill public toilets working group.Non-PecuniaryRegistered
Cllr Mrs JR Lumley Conservative Group8(1) and 12Non-pecuniary interest by virtue of past or current membership of the Sanctuary in Rochford Committee.Non-PecuniaryRegistered
Cllr R Milne, Liberal Democrat Group8(1)Non-pecuniary interest as a result of being Ward Councillors for Lodge ward.Non-PecuniaryRegistered
Cllr JE Newport Liberal Democrat Group8(3)Non-pecuniary interest by virtue of membership of Rayleigh Town Council.Non-PecuniaryRegistered
Cllr Mrs CE Roe, Conservative Group8(3)Non-pecuniary interest by virtue of membership of the Rayleigh Town Council Crown Hill public toilets working group.Non-PecuniaryRegistered
Cllr Mrs L Shaw, Conservative Group8(1) and 12Non-pecuniary interest by virtue of past or current membership of the Sanctuary in Rochford Committee.Non-PecuniaryRegistered
Cllr SP Smith, Conservative Group8(1)Non-pecuniary interest as a result of being Ward Councillors for Lodge ward.Non-PecuniaryRegistered
Cllr DJ Sperring, Conservative Group8(3)Non-pecuniary interest by virtue of membership of Rayleigh Town Council.Non-PecuniaryRegistered
Cllr IH Ward, Conservative Group8(1), 8(3) and 12Non-pecuniary interest in items 8(1) and 12 by virtue of past/current membership of the Sanctuary in Rochford Committee and; item 8(3) by membership of Rayleigh Town Council.Non-PecuniaryRegistered
Cllr AL Williams, Non-Aligned Group8(3)Non-pecuniary interst by virtue of membership of Rochford Parish Council.Non-PecuniaryRegistered


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