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Meeting Details
Meeting Summary
Development Committee
28 Jun 2012 - 19:30
Council Chamber, Civic Suite, 2 Hockley Road, Rayleigh, SS6 8EB
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Agenda: Development Committee - 28 June 2012
Item 5 Report: 11/00637/OUT - Site of and Land Rear of York Bungalow, Little Wakering Hall Lane, Great Wakering: Development Committee - 28 June 2012
Item 6 Report: 12/00094/FUL - Former Shellfish Packing Station, Fambridge Road, South Fambridge: Development Committee - 28 June 2012
Referred Item 7(1) Report: 12/00095/COU - Change of use from A1 to A3 (Restaurants and Cafes): Development Committee - 28 June 2012
Addendum to Items 5, 6 and 7(1): Development Committee 28 June 2012
Minutes: Development Committee - 28 June 2012
Attended - Committee Members
Cllr CI Black BSc MICS, Liberal Democrat Group
Cllr P A Capon
Cllr Mrs T J Capon
Cllr K J Gordon
Cllr J E Grey
Cllr JD Griffin, Conservative Group
Cllr Mrs G A Lucas-Gill
Cllr M Maddocks
Cllr JRF Mason, Rochford District Residents & Green Group
Cllr Mrs CM Mason, Rochford District Residents Group
Cllr Mrs J E McPherson, Non-Aligned Group
Cllr D Merrick, Conservative Group
Cllr TE Mountain Rochford District Residents Group
Cllr RA Oatham, Liberal Democrat Group
Cllr R D Pointer
Cllr Mrs CE Roe, Conservative Group
Cllr C G Seagers
Cllr SP Smith, Conservative Group
Cllr DJ Sperring, Conservative Group
Cllr MJ Steptoe, Conservative Group
Cllr IH Ward, Conservative Group
Cllr Mrs B J Wilkins
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Reason for Sending Apology
Cllr Mrs P Aves
Cllr MR Carter, Conservative Group
Cllr TG Cutmore, Conservative Group
Cllr Mrs H L A Glynn
Cllr BT Hazlewood, Conservative Group
Cllr M Hoy Non-Aligned Group
Cllr Mrs D Hoy, Green Group (Passed away on 11 September)
Cllr K H Hudson, Conservative Group
Cllr C J Lumley
Cllr Mrs JR Lumley Conservative Group
Cllr Mrs J A Mockford
Reason for Absence
Cllr J P Cottis BSc (Hons)
Cllr T E Goodwin
Cllr Mrs A V Hale
Cllr Mrs M J Webster
Cllr P F A Webster
Cllr Mrs CA Weston, Conservative Group
Declarations of Interests
Member Name
Item Ref.
Nature of Declaration
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
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