Cllr CI Black BSc MICS, Liberal Democrat Group |
Cllr Mrs LA Butcher, Conservative Group |
Cllr P A Capon |
Cllr MR Carter, Conservative Group |
Cllr J P Cottis BSc (Hons) |
Cllr TG Cutmore, Conservative Group |
Cllr Mrs J Dillnutt |
Cllr K J Gordon |
Cllr J E Grey |
Cllr K H Hudson, Conservative Group |
Cllr A J Humphries |
Cllr Mrs G A Lucas-Gill |
Cllr C J Lumley |
Cllr Mrs JR Lumley Conservative Group |
Cllr JRF Mason, Rochford District Residents & Green Group |
Cllr D Merrick, Conservative Group |
Cllr Mrs J A Mockford |
Cllr RA Oatham, Liberal Democrat Group |
Cllr J Pullen |
Cllr C G Seagers |
Cllr SP Smith, Conservative Group |
Cllr D G Stansby |
Cllr M Starke |
Cllr MJ Steptoe, Conservative Group |
Cllr J Thomass MA MSc MA |
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.
Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
There were no visitors present at this meeting