Declarations of Interests
Cllr Mrs H L A Glynn | Item 7 | Prejudicial Interest by virtue of her personal land interests | Prejudicial | Registered |
Cllr Mrs H L A Glynn | Item 7 | Personal Interest by virtue of Membership of the District Council's Licensing Committee | Personal | Registered |
Cllr Mrs JR Lumley Conservative Group | Item 7 | Personal Interest by virtue of being a Council Member to the Board of Rochford Housing Association | Personal | Registered |
Cllr Mrs CA Weston, Conservative Group | Item 7 | Personal Interest by virtue of being a Council Member to the Board of Rochford Housing Association and by virtue of being a Member of a Parish Council that rented out a hall | Personal | Registered |
Cllr Mrs CA Weston, Conservative Group | Item 7 | Personal Interest by virtue of Membership of the District Council's Licensing Committee | Personal | Registered |
There were no visitors present at this meeting