Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Planning Policy and Transportation Committee
12 Sep 2006 - 19:30
  • Documents


  1. pdf Agenda: Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (81Kb)
  2. pdf Minutes: Planning Policy & Transportation Committee: 120906 (41Kb)
  3. pdf Item 10 Appendix to report: Rochford District Regulation 25 Core Strategy - Statutory Basis - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (682Kb)
  4. pdf Item 10 Report: Rochford District Regulation 25 Core Strategy - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (53Kb)
  5. pdf Item 11 Appendix to Report: Playing Pitch Strategy - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (97Kb)
  6. pdf Item 11 Appendix to Report: Supplementary Planning Document - Draft - Educational Contributions from Residential Developments - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (184Kb)
  7. pdf Item 11 Appendix to Report: Supplementary Planning Document 2 - Housing Design - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (284Kb)
  8. pdf Item 11 Appendix to Report: Supplementary Planning Document 4 - Shop Fronts: Security and Design - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (1995Kb)
  9. pdf Item 11 Appendix to Report: Supplementary Planning Document 4 - Shop Fronts: Security and Design - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (493Kb)
  10. pdf Item 11 Appendix to Report: Supplementary Planning Document 5 - Vehicle Parking Standards - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (546Kb)
  11. pdf Item 11 Appendix to Report: Supplementary Planning Document 6 - Design Guidelines for Conservation Areas - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (55Kb)
  12. pdf Item 11 Appendix to Report: Supplementary Planning Document 7 - Design, Landscaping and Access Statements - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (156Kb)
  13. pdf Item 11 Appendix to Report: Supplementary Planning Documents - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (40Kb)
  14. pdf Item 11 Report: Report of the Planning Policy Sub-Committee - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (27Kb)
  15. pdf Item 11 Report: Supplementary Planning Document 8 - Rural Settlement Areas - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (34Kb)
  16. pdf Item 12 Report: Gypsies and Travellers - Accommodation Assessment - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (53Kb)
  17. pdf Item 13 Appendix to Report: Draft Timetable for RSS Revison - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (106Kb)
  18. pdf Item 13 Report: Gypsy and Traveller Caravan Sites - East of England Plan - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (17Kb)
  19. pdf Item 9 Report: Progress on Decisions - Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (122Kb)
  20. pdf Notice of Policy Decisions: Planning Policy and Transportation Committee: 120906 (28Kb)


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Cllr A J Humphries 
Cllr P R Robinson 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Cllr TG Cutmore, Conservative GroupAll Agenda ItemsPersonal Interest - by virtue of employment within the electricity supply industry.PersonalRegistered.


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