Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Environmental Services Committee
13 Mar 2007 - 19:30
  • Documents


  1. pdf Agenda: Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (87Kb)
  2. pdf Minutes: Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (65Kb)
  3. pdf Item 10 Report plus Appendix A to Report: Serviceteam (Veolia) Progress Report - Refuse Collection, Recycling and Street Cleansing - Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (104Kb)
  4. pdf Item 11 Report plus Appendix A to Report: Refuse Collection - Additional Bin Criteria - Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (1640Kb)
  5. pdf Item 12 Appendix to Report: Proposals for the Spending of the Waste Performance and Efficiency Grant 2007/8 - Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (52Kb)
  6. pdf Item 12 Report: Report of the Waste Management & Recycling Sub-Committee - Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (27Kb)
  7. pdf Item 13 Report plus Appendix A to Report: How Clean are our Streets Survey - July 2006 - Analysis - Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (68Kb)
  8. pdf Item 14 Appendix 1 to Report: Model Byelaws - Acupuncture, tattooing, semi-permanent skin-colouring, cosmetic piercing and electrolysis - Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (61Kb)
  9. pdf Item 14 Report: Regulation of Cosmetic Piercing and Skin-Colouring Businesses - Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (36Kb)
  10. pdf Item 15 Appendix to Report: Public Footpaths 1 and 3, Stambridge - Proposed Footpath Diversions - Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (46Kb)
  11. pdf Item 15 Report: Public Footpaths 1 and 3, Stambridge - Proposed Footpath Diversions - Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (31Kb)
  12. pdf Item 9 Report: Progress on decisions - Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (134Kb)
  13. pdf Notice of Policy Decisions: Environmental Services Committee: 130307 (30Kb)


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Cllr J P Cottis BSc (Hons) 
Cllr Mrs L Hungate 
Cllr C J Lumley 
NameReason for Absence
Cllr Mrs J A Mockford 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Cllr Mrs M J WebsterItem 10Personal Interest in this Item by virtue of haveing 2 wheeled bins.PersonalRegistered.


1. Cllr Mrs H L A Glynn: Member of Rochford District Council.