Agenda: Development Committee - 27/06/2019
Item 6 Report: 19/00314/FUL - 28 Chesnut Close, Hockley - Development Committee - 27/06/2019
Item 7 Report: 18/01064/FUL - 37-39 Down Hall Road, Rayleigh - Development Committee - 27/06/2019
Item 8 Report: 17/00877/OUT - Cherry Orchard Brick Works, Cherry Orchard Lane, Rochford - Development Committee - 27/06/2019
Item 9 Report: 18/01022/OUT - Michelins Farm, Arterial Road, Rayleigh - Development Committee - 27/06/2019
Item 10 Report: 19/00315/REM - Land North of London Road and South of Rawreth Lane and West of Rawreth Industrial Estate, Rawreth Lane, Rayleigh - Development Committee - 27/06/2019
Item 11 Report: 19/00367/ADV - Hockley Woods, Main Road, Hockley - Development Committee - 27/06/2019
Item 12(1) Report: 19/00257/FUL - 33 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh - Development Committee - 27/06/2019
Addendum to Items 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12(1): Development Committee - 27/06/2019
Minutes: Development Committee - 27/06/2019
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Declarations of Interests
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