Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Local Development Framework Sub-Committee
30 Oct 2012 - 19:30
  • Documents


  1. pdf Agenda: Local Development Framework Sub-Committee - 30 October 2012 (128Kb)
  2. pdf Item 6 Report: Hockley Area Action Plan - Draft Pre-Submission Document: Local Development Framework Sub-Committee - 30 October 2012 (145Kb)
  3. pdf Item 7 Report: Allocations Development Plan Document - Draft Pre-Submission Version: Local Development Framework Sub-Committee - 30 October 2012 (54Kb)
  4. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Detailed Assessment of Potential Employment Site Options (March 2012) (8544Kb)
  5. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Detailed Assessment of Potential Additional Employment Site Options (September 2012) (1769Kb)
  6. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Site Screening Report (September 2012) (593Kb)
  7. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Habitats Regulations Assessment Advice Note (1037Kb)
  8. pdf Hockley Area Action Plan - Draft Pre-Submission Version (1962Kb)
  9. pdf Draft Allocations Pre-Submission Document - Interim Report on the Sustainability of Suggested Sites and Policies (210Kb)
  10. pdf Draft Pre-Submission Allocations Development Plan Document (8810Kb)
  11. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Coastal Protection Belt - ELA2 (198Kb)
  12. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Employment Land Allocations - EEL1 (183Kb)
  13. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Employment Land Allocations - EEL2 (206Kb)
  14. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Employment Land Allocations - EEL3 (266Kb)
  15. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Leisure Centres - OSL3 (204Kb)
  16. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Open Space in Canewdon, Paglesham, Wallasea Island (143Kb)
  17. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Open Space in Foulness (134Kb)
  18. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Open Space in Great Wakering and Barling (155Kb)
  19. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Open Space in Hockley and Hawkwell (180Kb)
  20. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Open Space in Hullbridge (153Kb)
  21. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Open Space in Rayleigh & Rawreth (215Kb)
  22. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Open Space in Rochford (171Kb)
  23. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Existing Open Space in Upper Roach Valley (174Kb)
  24. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Leisure Centres - OSL3 (204Kb)
  25. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Local Wildlife Sites - ELA1 (243Kb)
  26. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Primary and Secondary Shopping Areas in Rayleigh Town Centre - TCB1 (514Kb)
  27. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Plan of Secondary and Primary Shopping Areas, Rochford - TCB2 (412Kb)
  28. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Detailed Assessment of Potential Residential Site Options - September 2012 (Part 1) (18000Kb)
  29. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Detailed Assessment of Potential Residential Site Options - September 2012 (Part 2) (18799Kb)
  30. pdf Allocations Development Plan Document - Detailed Assessment of Potential Residential Site Options - September 2012 (Part 3) (11426Kb)
  31. pdf Minutes: Local Development Framework Sub-Committee - 30 October 2012 (192Kb)


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Also in attendance at the above meeting were:

Cllrs B T Hazlewood and R A Oatham (Members of Rochford District Council)

___ Members of public expressed a desire to address the meeting.