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Meeting Details
Meeting Summary
Executive Board
27 Jun 2007 - 19:30
Committee Room 4, Civic Suite, 2 Hockley Road, Rayleigh, SS6 8EB
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Agenda: Executive Board: 270607
Appendix to Minutes: Executive Board: 270607
Minutes: Executive Board: 270707
Item 10 Report: Amendment to the Vehicle Licence Conditions - Use of Front Seats - Executive Board: 270607
Item 11 Report: Cycle of Meetings 2007/08 - Executive Board: 270607
Item 5 Report: Progress on Decisions - Executive Board: 270607
Item 6 Appendix 1 to Report: Revision to the Rochford District Local Development Scheme - Executive Board: 270607
Item 6 Report: Revision to the Rochford District Local Development Scheme - Executive Board: 270607
Item 7 Appendix 1 to Report: Revenues and Benefits - Operational Plan - Executive Board: 270607
Item 7 Report: Revenues & Benefits - Policies, Procedures and Action Plans - Executive Board: 270607
Item 8 Appendix 1 to Report: Maximum Authorised Fares and Charges (Commencing 13 March 2006 until further notice) - Executive Board: 270607
Item 8 Appendix 2 to Report: Maximum Authorised Fares and Charges (Commencing date to be arranged) - Executive Board: 270607
Item 8 Appendix 3 to Report: Comparison of Taxi Fares in Essex Authorities - Executive Board: 270607
Item 8 Appendix 4 to Report: Comparison of Night Rates - Executive Board: 270607
Item 8 Appendix 5 to Report: Comparison Fares for 1-4 Journeys between the Current and Proposed Fare Tariff - Executive Board: 270607
Item 8 Report: Hackney Carriage Fare Increase - Executive Board: 270607
Item 9 Report: Tinted Windows in Licensed Vehicles - Proposed Amendment to Conditions - Executive Board: 270607
Notice of Executive Decisions: Executive Board: 270607
Attended - Committee Members
Cllr TG Cutmore, Conservative Group
Cllr K J Gordon
Cllr K H Hudson, Conservative Group
Cllr J Pullen
Cllr C G Seagers
Cllr D G Stansby
Cllr M Starke
Cllr Mrs M J Webster
Cllr P F A Webster
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Reason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
Reason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.
Declarations of Interests
Member Name
Item Ref.
Nature of Declaration
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
There were no visitors present at this meeting