Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Finance & Procedures Overview & Scrutiny Committee
21 Apr 2005 - 19:30
  • Documents


  1. pdf Agenda: Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (80Kb)
  2. pdf Minutes - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (49Kb)
  3. pdf Item 10 Report: Overview and Scrutiny within Rochford District Council - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (61Kb)
  4. pdf Item 11 Report: The Local Authorities (Indemnity for Members and Officers) Order 2004 - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (77Kb)
  5. pdf Item 12 Report: Review of Partnership Arrangements - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (25Kb)
  6. pdf Item 13 Appendix to Report: Development and Access to Land At 5 Weir Pond Road Rochford - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (40Kb)
  7. pdf Item 13 Report: Development and Access to Land At 5 Weir Pond Road Rochford - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (37Kb)
  8. pdf Item 6 Report: Progress on Decisions - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (22Kb)
  9. pdf Item 7 Report: Vivista Progress Report - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (32Kb)
  10. pdf Item 7 Synopsis of the Presentation: Vivista Progress Report - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (45Kb)
  11. pdf Item 7 Synopsis of the Presentation: Vivista Progress Report - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (301Kb)
  12. pdf Item 8 Report: Procurement Strategy - Six Month Review - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (181Kb)
  13. pdf Item 9 Report: Corporate Staff Development and Training - Finance and Procedures Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 210405 (54Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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