Declarations of Interests
Cllr TG Cutmore, Conservative Group | Item 7 | Personal - by virtue of, through his employment ha | Personal | Registered. |
Cllr T Livings | Item 6 | Personal - by virtue of having previously held the | Personal | Registered. |
Cllr C J Lumley | Item 6 | Personal - by virtue of being a Governor of Glebe | Personal | Registered. |
Mrs M Vince | Item 6 | Personal - by virtue of being a Governor of Dogget | Personal | Registered. |
Mrs M Vince | Item 8 | Personal - by virtue of being the StAR Partnership | Personal | Registered. |
1. Cllr C I Black.
2. Cllr R A Oatham.
3. Cllr Mrs J R Lumley.