2007 - 2008


Appeals Committee

To exercise functions in relation to appeals, licensing and registration, as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 (as amended) other than those that fall within the remit of the Licensing Committee.

Audit Committee

To exercise functions in relation to: matters arising out of internal audit and control reports; the scope of internal audit activity; review of the adequacy of governance and risk management arrangements and internal control; and consideration of matters arising from external audit as are referred to it by the External Auditor.

Central Area Committee

To identify the needs of the community through consultation and the involvement of the community and other appropriate bodies, including the Environment, Community Health and Social Care, Crime and Disorder, Street Scene, Recreation, Leisure and Tourism and Lcoal Highways matters that affect it, advising the Executive Board as appropriate on such issues; to seek agreement from the Executive Board for changes to services to meet local needs that are outside the immediate responsibility and/or budget of the Area Committee, including seeking agreement for revenue and capital expenditure to meet any changes; to monitor local service delivery; to make arrangements for the provision of information about local services and other information to people in the area; to act as a community forum where the Area Committee and members of the community cna discuss issues of concern to them; to exercise delegated authority with regard to Council functions in respect of power to create, stop up and divert footpaths and bridleways, designate cycle tracks and any other Council functions as may be delegated to it by Full Council; to exercise delegated authority with regard to Local Choice functions and to exercise any Executive functions as may be delegated to it by the Executive Board.

Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Sub-Committee

To consider the detail of proposals relating to new powers under the Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005, and the issuing of press releases to aid public understanding, and to report back to the Executive Board with recommendations.

Contracts Sub-Committee

To oversee the progress and development of the contract procurement process for refuse collection, recycling, street cleansing and grounds maintenance.


Responsible for all functions of the authority, including all matters specifically reserved to Council by regulation and statute. It approves and keeps under review the Constitution of the Council, appoints, and where necessary, dismisses the Leader/Spokesperson of the Council, approves procedures for and the appointment of the Committees and such other bodies as the Council may decide. It appoints Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees and determines their membership. It makes appointments to outside organisations. It adopts statutory and major non-statutory policies, including best value performance plan; community care plan; community strategy; crime & disorder reduction strategy; Development Plan; Corporate Plan; Plans or Strategies for the control of the Council's borrowing or capital expenditure; Plans or Strategies or draft plans or strategies for any of the above descriptions which have to be submitted to the Secretary of State or a Minister for approval; Food Safety Service Plan; Housing Investment Programme; Local Agenda 21 Strategy; IS/ICT Strategy; Asset Management Plan; Leisure and Cultural Strategy; Licensing Policy Statement; Gambling Policy Statement. It approves the Members' allowances scheme and the Council's budget and Council Tax for the District. It provides an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions or make statements about any aspects of Council policy. It receives reports from its Committees and officers. It promotes and opposes Bills and Orders in Parliament. It carries out any other functions required by Statute to be discharged by the Council. It makes and revokes Byelaws. It deals with matters relating to elections. It determines any decision of a Policy Committee, not yet implemented, referred to it by the Review Committee. It considers proposals to establish, dissolve or group Parish Councils and fixes the number of Parish Councillors. It authorises applications to the Secretary of State for the transfer of housnig land or stock owned by the Council and discusses Notices of Motion submitted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.

Development Control Committee

To exercise the Council's functions in relation to: Town & Country Planning Regulation (including the grant of planning permissions); Dangerous, Neglected or Derelict Premises; Building Control Regulation, including the management of the budget in respect of these functions.

East Area Committee

To identify the needs of the community through consultation and the involvement of the community and other appropriate bodies, including the Environment, Community Health and Social Care, Crime and Disorder, Street Scene, Recreation, Leisure and Tourism and Lcoal Highways matters that affect it, advising the Executive Board as appropriate on such issues; to seek agreement from the Executive Board for changes to services to meet local needs that are outside the immediate responsibility and/or budget of the Area Committee, including seeking agreement for revenue and capital expenditure to meet any changes; to monitor local service delivery; to make arrangements for the provision of information about local services and other information to people in the area; to act as a community forum where the Area Committee and members of the community cna discuss issues of concern to them; to exercise delegated authority with regard to Council functions in respect of power to create, stop up and divert footpaths and bridleways, designate cycle tracks and any other Council functions as may be delegated to it by Full Council; to exercise delegated authority with regard to Local Choice functions and to exercise any Executive functions as may be delegated to it by the Executive Board.

Executive Board

To make recommendations to the Council in relation to the budget, policy framework and the approval, amendment or modification of any plan or strategy forming part of the Council's budget or policy framework and to act in respect of every other function, subject to those matters reserved to Council and the Review Committee; to refer to the Review Committee any issue for detailed consideration and report and to consider the recommendations of the Review Committee either arising from an issue related to it or where a decision of the Executive has been called in for review.

Grants to Outside Organisations Sub-Committee

To consider applications for financial assistance in 2007/08.

Licensing Committee

To exercise functions under the Licensing Act 2003, the Gambling Act 2005 and all associated or amending legislation.

Local Development Framework Sub-Committee

To review and report on the contents of Development Plan Documents.

Review Committee

To assist the Council and the Executive Board in the development of its budget and policy framework by in-depth analysis of policy issues. Conduct research, community and other consultation in the analysis of policy issues and possible options. Consider and implement mechanisms to encourage and enhance community participation in the development of policy options. Question Members of the Executive Board and other Committees, Chief Officers and Heads of Service about their views on issues and proposals affecting the area. Liaise with other external organisations operating in the area, whether national, regional or local, to ensure that the interests of local people are enhanced by collaborative working. Review and scrutinise the decisions made by and performance of the Executive Board, other Committees and Council officers both in relation to individual decisions and over time. Review and scrutinise the performance of the Council in relation to its policy objectives, performance targets and/or particular service areas. Question Members of the Executive Board, other Committees, Chief Officers and Heads of Service about their decisions and performance, whether generally in comparison with service plans and targets over a period of time, or in relation to particular decisions, initiatives or projects. Make recommendations to the Executive Board and/or appropriate Committee and/or Council arising from the outcome of the scrutiny process. Review and scrutinise the performance of other public bodies in the area and invite reports from them by requesting them to address the Review Committee and local people about their activities and performance, and question and gather evidence from any person (with their consent). The Review Committee may be allocated funding for its role by the Council and will exercise overall responsibility for the finances made available to it. The Review Committee must report annually to Full Council on its workings and make recommendations for future work programmes and amended working methods, if appropriate. The Review Committee may exercise overall responsibility for the work programme of the officers employed to support its work.

Standards Committee

To exercise functions in relation to promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by Councillors and co-opted Members; assisting the Councillors and co-opted Members to observe the Members' Code of Conduct; advising the Council on the adoption or revision of the Members' Code of Conduct; monitoring the operation of the Members' Code of Conduct; advising, training or arranging to train Councillors and co-opted Members on matters relating to the Members' Code of Conduct; granting dispensations to Councillors and co-opted Members from requirements relating to interests set out in the Members' Code of Conduct; dealing with any reports from a case tribunal or interim case tribunal and any report from the Monitoring Officer on any matter that is referred by an Ethical Standards Officer to the Monitoring Officer and determining the annual Member Training Programme.

West Area Committee

To identify the needs of the community through consultation and the involvement of the community and other appropriate bodies, including the Environment, Community Health and Social Care, Crime and Disorder, Street Scene, Recreation, Leisure and Tourism and Lcoal Highways matters that affect it, advising the Executive Board as appropriate on such issues; to seek agreement from the Executive Board for changes to services to meet local needs that are outside the immediate responsibility and/or budget of the Area Committee, including seeking agreement for revenue and capital expenditure to meet any changes; to monitor local service delivery; to make arrangements for the provision of information about local services and other information to people in the area; to act as a community forum where the Area Committee and members of the community cna discuss issues of concern to them; to exercise delegated authority with regard to Council functions in respect of power to create, stop up and divert footpaths and bridleways, designate cycle tracks and any other Council functions as may be delegated to it by Full Council; to exercise delegated authority with regard to Local Choice functions and to exercise any Executive functions as may be delegated to it by the Executive Board.